What Exactly Is Invisalign & How Does It Work?

What Exactly Is Invisalign & How Does It Work?


If your dentist recommends orthodontic treatment to correct a malocclusion (the technical term for a dental misalignment), proceeding with treatment sooner rather than later is important. Correcting a misalignment can help you guard against a …

Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces


Are there benefits of choosing Invisalign instead of traditional braces for your orthodontic treatment? Effective but more comfortable than traditional metal braces, Invisalign will work to straighten your teeth just like metal braces.  The difference …

woman holding invisalign aligner

Top 10 Invisalign Questions and Answers


Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment, which is why we’re pleased to offer it to our patients at Metrowest Prosthodontics. Rather than using a system of brackets and wires to reposition the …

young woman holding invisalign aligners

What Is Invisalign Express?


Invisalign is an innovative approach to orthodontic treatment that does away with the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces and instead uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gently reposition your teeth over …